Recently, Riot announced that an average of nearly 3 million people play the beta every day. In addition, the number of hours watching Valorant’s live stream on Twitch also reached 470 million hours of viewing. One day, the game attracted 34 million hours of viewing in a single day. At its peak, 1.7 million people watched the stream together.
In addition, Valorant’s more senior opponent, CS: GO, also has a large number of players. In the last March, there were still more than 1 million players of hiding at home playing CS: GO. Even though the game is 8 years old, it is still one of the most played titles on Steam. Currently, Valorant may be more in terms of number of players, but its durability over time remains a big unknown.
Currently, Valorant has officially ended the beta phase, you have not had the opportunity to try it out and do not have to wait long. Riot is resetting the accounts logged in the game and preparing to add a mode.
Although just released not long ago, but Riot Games took great care of Valorant when introducing extremely cool gun costumes. Accordingly, the developers for the first time introduced the Ultra Edition gun outfit called Elderflame in their first FPS game.
This weapon outfit will apply to the Frenzy, Judge, Vandal, Operator, and knife. Each weapon above, instead of a normal gun, will become a fire-breathing dragon with extremely special and eye-catching effects. If the player kills the opponent with Elderflame, the target will be finished by a large dragon from the sky.
In the game, the Ultra Edition gun costume group costs about 2 million VND. However, if you do not want to use real money to buy, players can use 9,900 VP to unlock.
Before that, Riot also introduced the gun outfit during the test phase. However, Elderflame is the best outfit that Valorant currently has at a quite high price.